M. Night Shyamalan Shares Tantalizingly Blurry ‘After Earth’ Concept Art

M. Night Shyamalan posted some concept art for his upcoming film After Earth. Actually, he just posted some images that had concept art in the background. I guess, if you're starved for concept art, this works.

His concept artist is Dean Sheriff, who also worked on three of the X-Men films (X2, X-Men United and X-Men Origins: Wolverine) and Watchmen.

Shyamalan captioned both of these via his website and Twitter to explain.

This is Dean [Sheriff], an amazing illustrator. He’s illustrating an early scene from the film. (I’ve picked tantalizingly vague pictures haven’t I?)

These are paintings and photos I’ve collected over the year. They are up on the inspiration wall in the art department of After Earth.
Details about the plot are few, but one description gives some details:
M. Night Shyamalan is directing the pic, which had previously been titled 1000 A.E. The story is set in a future in which humans no longer live on Earth after it becomes inhospitable. The elder Smith is playing a hero, while Jaden is his son, considered a failure as a warrior. When the two crash-land on Earth, it's up to the son to save the dad. - Hollywood Reporter
Check out Dean Sheriff's site at http://www.deansherriff.com

Via: /Film