Are These Concept Sketches from THE MATRIX Too Detailed?

The concept sketches from The Matrix by Geofrey "Geof" Darrow are beautiful, but almost too detailed. You can barely make out what the robots are made of.  It would have been impossible to create them on-screen, but at least they can provided a framework. Sometimes, concept designers can go nuts with the design I guess.

Neo gets pulled out of his pod by one of the "Docbot" robot caretakers.

A nice view of the inside of the hovership "Nebuchadnezzar" and the "bug probe" that removes the robot from Neo's bellybutton.

The design for the robot ""Squiddies" or "Sentinels."

Born October 21, 1955) Darrow is a comic artist and designer born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States. He is known for having an extremely high level of detail in his work. He's worked on everything from the 80s show Superfriends to movies like Speed Racer and a ton of comic books.

Check out more of his work at the unofficial fansite


  1. Yeah, I thought that myself when I saw it. The artist really does this a lot, putting so much detail into every drawing. Imagine an engineer sitting down and inserting little tiny pieces of metal, glancing over at the sketch every five minutes, trying to match it exactly.

  2. There are MANY more hyper detailed examples of Geof Darrows concepts from the Matrix to show than what is on this page and the fan site. Unfortunately you actually only show one example. The top image is the final Doc-Bot concept by Grant Niesner and bottom image is by Steve Burg.


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